السبت، 31 مارس 2018

Trainee Translators

Trainee TranslatorsDareenlingohouse announces several openings for under training translators/translation project and account managers at the company offices to qualify them to join its team. Opportunities are for graduates and residents of Al Sheikh Zayed City or adjacent neighborhoods only. Excellent English/Arabic. Extra language is a plus. Please contact us by email with CV at: info@dareenlingohouse.com
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مطلوب مهندس u002 Fمهندسه تخصص كهرباء او ميكانيكا

* مطلوب لشركة مقاولات الكتروميكانيكال بالنزهه (بمصر الجديدة) nn* مهندس u002 Fمهندسه تخصص كهرباء او ميكانيكا لوظيفة nمكتب فنى وموقع ويش...